Apheresis Articles

Charité study: Incidence of severe side effects after COVID-19 vaccination 40 times more frequent than in PEI publications

A study on side effects after Corona vaccinations is being conducted at the Charite in Berlin. The number of severe complications after vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI): Eight out of 1,000 vaccinated people struggle with severe side effects. The numbers of serious vaccination reactions at the Paul Ehrlich Institute are significantly lower, at 0.2 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses.

This is one of the results of a long-term observational study conducted by the Charité hospital in Berlin. Study leader Professor Harald Matthes is now calling for more contact points for those affected. Often the presence of too many autoantibodies in the blood plasma of those affected is the cause of the problem," says Prof. Matthes.

Severe side effects are symptoms that last for weeks or months and require medical treatment. These include muscle and joint pain, inflammation of the heart muscle, excessive reactions of the immune system and impairment of the nervous system. "Most of the side effects, even severe ones, subside after three to six months, 80 per cent heal. But unfortunately there are also some that last much longer," reports Professor Matthes.

In accordance with the principles of the Charité, we treat vaccine victims at the BIOLOGICUM⁺ with a special blood wash that not only removes autoantibodies from the blood and cell tissue, but also significantly improves the microcirculation of the entire cell tissue. 

Source: German site: www.mdr.de
